Mars Glow: Aera Cura – Book 1 Of The Science-Fiction Books Series

IT’S THE YEAR 2457… Humans have colonized MARS for over 400 years and live in underground settlements. In 2447, a Great Plague swept the Earth and the mutant virus, created by illegal genetic experiments, killed 90 per cent of humanity. Now just 1.5 billion humans inhabit the planet and many have robotic mates called Organics. Read More …

Mars Glow – Chapter 1: Mara

Mars Glow Copyright © 2020 Priya Florence Shah All Rights Reserved Worldwide Chapter One: Mara In the year 2457, humans have lived on Mars for over 400 years and have adapted to the planet mostly living underground. Mara Murphy is a 25-year-old 9th generation human born on Mars who longs to go back to Earth, Read More …