Illusions and Intution

This poem celebrates the power of intuition in discerning truth from deceit, a guiding light that helps navigate through the illusions and false promises of the world, and the importance of trusting one’s inner wisdom and staying grounded amidst the allure of falsehoods.

When your intuition is keen, the veil is lifted,
And you discern the false promises that approach.
Like a hawk soaring above the clouds,
You see through the guiles of those who offer illusions.


Trust not the sweet words that drip like honey,
But listen to the whispers of your inner knowing.
For in the silence of your soul,
The truth is revealed, unmasked and naked.


Be not swayed by the glitter of false allure,
For true wisdom lies in the depths of your being.
Stand firm in your intuition,
And let it guide you through the maze of deceit.


When the world’s clamor seeks to deceive,
And false prophets beckon with illusive charms,
Hold fast to the beacon of your inner light,
For it illuminates the path of truth.


In the dance of shadows and light,
Discernment is your steadfast companion.
Let not the illusions of the world beguile you,
But let your intuition be your guide.


For in the stillness of your soul’s sanctuary,
The whispers of truth are heard.
Trust in the wisdom that resides within,
And navigate the waters of deception with clarity.


Beware the siren’s song of deceit,
And the mirage of promises unfulfilled.
Keep vigil over your intuition’s flame,
For it is the torch that leads to authenticity.


When the winds of falsehood blow strong,
Anchor yourself in the certainty of your intuition.
For in its quietude, lies the clarity you seek,
To see through the guises of deception.


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