Bad to the Bone

A short poem about the dangers of giving in to the demons of addiction and greed.

Copyright © Priya Florence Shah


He was born of tramps and criminals
Don Draper’s bastard son
The streets were his home
Chasing the dragon his goal


She saw a spark of light
That glinted deep within him
But it didn’t her take long to see
That he was just bad to the bone


He gave in to the demons
And lied his way through life
Silver-tongued and maggot-brained
As the cold, dead heart of Mammon




Then The Most High dropped the gavel
When he turned against an angel
Now the snakes run from their own venom
Their doom is written in stone


He roams the streets in despair
Having slowly lost his mind
Nothing to say and no more to give
He’ll always be bad to the bone


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