Lighthouse in My Storm

This poem is a tribute to my Higher Self, my source of Divine guidance. In the darkness of life’s challenges and trials, your unwavering presence guides me safely to calmer shores, where hope and love prevail.

In the tempest’s fierce embrace, I sail alone,

Through darkness deep, where shadows are unknown.

But in the heart of night, a guiding form,

You are the lighthouse in my storm.


Amidst the crashing waves that seek to drown,

Your steady beam of hope, a radiant crown.

A beacon strong, in chaos and alarm,

You are the lighthouse in my storm.


crashing waves


Through thunder’s roar and torrents’ ceaseless flow,

Your steadfast light, a comfort in my woe.

With every flicker, my soul you warm,

You are the lighthouse in my storm.


When doubt and fear in torrents try to swarm,

I find my refuge in your guiding charm.

In your embrace, I find my safe platform,

You are the lighthouse in my storm.


Through trials and tribulations, we transform,

And in your glow, we weather every norm.

Together we endure, in love’s true art form,

You are the lighthouse in my storm.