Inner Child

This short poem about happy childhood memories was inspired by my longing to reclaim the inner child and reconnect with my childhood dreams.

For we spend so little of our lives as children and so much of our lives as adults, yet we remember our childhood days with the most fondness.

childhood memories poem

We spend but fleeting years as children,

With minds full of wonder and hearts full of glee.

But as we grow older and reach adulthood,

We forget the joys of youth and simplicity.

poems about childhood nostalgia

Though time may pass and wrinkles may form,

Our childhood memories still shine bright.

The laughter, the love, the pure unbridled joy,

Are the wings of memories on which our hearts take flight.

happy childhood poems

So let us not forget the inner child,

That lives and breathes within our soul.

For it’s through that child we find happiness,

And ne’er let dark days take a toll.

short poem on childhood

Embrace your inner child, my sweet.

Let them guide you through your days.

For it is through that joyful child we’ll find,

The magic of our childhood’s ways.

Poems About Childhood And Growing Up

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